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Contact: Babz Rawls Ivy


Phone: 203-645-9278
Mailing Address: 75 Ivy Street New Haven CT 06511

About the fund

When I walked out of federal prison camp, I returned home to family, friends, sorority sisters and church family who stood with me and by me. I left and returned to a community that was ready to support me and did. And even though it was hard, extremely hard, I never felt abandoned or alone or hungry. My children were cared for and looked after. They were never in danger of being placed into foster care or separated. I had an intact home to return to. 


I was not and am not the norm. The vast majority of women returning "home" (if there is a home to return to) have to fight to get children back, secure housing most likely, look for and obtain a job and show up for probation appointments that are often in conflict with work hours. 


The difference was my circle/village of folks stretched themselves to help pay my bills, buy groceries, and put a little money in my pocket. That support eased some of my re-entry burden.


I in turn, want to do the same for women who do not have the same support for various reasons. 


Black women coming out of prison face a variety of obstacles reentering community... Access to cash is a major barrier. A woman asking for money to meet personal basic needs is often shamed, and ashamed; accompanied with feelings of anxiety, depression and/or humiliation. 


By providing access to money to help move through the difficult phase of reentry, The Freed Women Fund aims to allow a woman to have some dignity reentering community after serving time. 


A small group of conscious, community focused, Black women centered folk will meet to determine and distribute awards. This advisory/work/task group will review each request with the understanding that each request will get the attention needed to make timely decisions about the allocation of funds to the formerly incarcerated woman. 


I am Babz Rawls Ivy and this is my mission. I hope you will join me in providing support to Black women reentering community from prison. With your help, we can make a difference. 



To create healthy thriving Black communities throughout the State of Connecticut.

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1287 Chapel Street

New Haven, CT 06511

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